Day Eight + Nine

The team has been on a steep learning curve in this fluid situation, and after spending time in the field, we are now shifting towards action.

We have as good a grasp as one can have in a time of war on the needs around the country, what is being done, and what are the most pressing gaps. We are then determining the most impactful projects we can execute, so the updates are going to be more technical for a while.

We have so far raised $3,097,800 towards our target of $20,000,000 — thank you!!!

We have launched our site at I invite everyone to visit it, and now that we are organized and have specific projects defined, I want to ask you to be our ambassadors and help us get to the right supporters.

The site has detail on the projects we defined and will be executing. There are a few more we will add in the coming days as we finalize their detail. We are aiming towards ones that directly deliver to those in need, have no overhead, and we can fully trust the execution of.

If anyone wishes to support a specific project please let us know and we will designate your contribution accordingly.

As you will see, the initiatives bucket into the following:

Immediate monetary support to most effected groups

- Families of the kidnapped and the missing (300-360 families)

- Families of the deceased, injured or those whose home was destroyed (3,000-3,300 families)

- Welfare families from the southern cities of Sderot, Ofakim and Ashkelon (1,200 families)

- Individuals from the Gaza bordering townships that were impacted and evacuated (26,000 individuals)

Help to group with specific needs

- Care for elderly who were not evacuated

- Activities for evacuated children

- Reinstating the operation of a day care for adults with autism (specific project)


- Very basic furniture kits that will render otherwise empty apartments that were donated usable to house evacuees

- Temporary tenting solutions

Mental care

- Payment for treatment hours to trauma victims. We know we are going to support here but we taking a beat to take action. Currently all therapists are volunteering anyway, but the situation is not sustainable and within a couple of weeks more structured solutions would need to be put in place. It is also important to see what the government will be doing, who else will be stepping in and what solutions would be best to support. As this is a professional field, we can’t jump there on our own.

Please forgive the evolving nature of this effort but over the next couple of days we will continue to add detail, and add several more initiatives. Thank you all again for your continued support and please spread the word.


Join Project Tkooma

To support us, please follow this link (operated by ClearGiving),or wire your donation to the account listed below.

To support us

Operated by ClearGiving
Or wire to donate

Wire Instructions

Account Owner

GSD Advisers, Inc.

Account Number


Routing number


Bank details

Valley National Bank


For Project Tkooma

After completing the wire transfer, please send an email to us at to notify us about the upcoming transfer. Include the donor's name and address where the 501(c)(3) tax receipt should be sent.

If you’d like your funds to go into a specific project, feel free to email us with those details and we will confirm.

For any question reach out to us directly at

Project Tkooma operates as a subsidiary of ClearGiving, a registered NGO (no. 580677169).
US donations will receive a tax deductible receipt from GSD Advisers, Inc., a 501(c)(3) US public charity that supports charitable organizations in Israel.