
Enabling 30 autistic adults to return to their daycare facility

Special Needs Care

Under normal circumstances, Gallop extends its vital services to 80 individuals with special needs or PTSD at its ranch in Kfar Shmuel. This has a profound impact on the well-being of these special needs adults and their families, helping them maintain a sense of routine and normalcy in their lives.

Regrettably, Gallop is currently unable to operate due to a critical absence of bomb shelters, as mandated by Israel's Home Front Command. This situation has left 30 special needs adults in a state of urgent need. These individuals find themselves grappling with the disruption of their regular routines, and their families are faced with the challenging task of providing round-the-clock support.

Our project is dedicated to securing funding for the construction of two essential bomb shelters, each with an estimated cost of $33,250. The implementation of these shelters will not only facilitate the reopening of Gallop's doors but will also deliver immediate relief to the 30 special needs adults. Furthermore, it will provide crucial support to their families, who are currently grappling with a lack of prioritization and assistance.

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GSD Advisers, Inc.

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Bank details

Valley National Bank


For Project Tkooma

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Project Tkooma operates as a subsidiary of ClearGiving, a registered NGO (no. 580677169).
US donations will receive a tax deductible receipt from GSD Advisers, Inc., a 501(c)(3) US public charity that supports charitable organizations in Israel.